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Silver Audi A8

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When the German MTM company got a job to tune an A8 for someone in Dubai, they decided to make the car look like it’s made of solid silver. And they certainly succeeded. The car looks absolutely stunning.

Here’s what their website says about it:

In Dubai the mtm Audi A8 polished was the eye-catcher. The car was analyzed and in many studies the enamel varnish of the aluminum car body was removed. Furthermore the car was cleaned. After that, the car body was polished with fine abrasive paper as well as special polishes to high gloss. The blank dress must not have any defects, because of the fact that retouching was not possible. Finally the car was protected with special clear varnish against environmental impacts.Because of the fact that it is impossible to polish plastic parts like front and rear spoilers, mirror house, side sillboard or also fuel tank cap, they were enameled in a complex way to get a chrome effect. Finally they were polished with clear varnish.


silver audi a8


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2 Responses »

  1. I`ve seen this car well not this one but correct me if im wrong i remember seeing a audi in magazine a long time ago a loooong time ago and i never forgot i mean it has stuck with me from way back is this from that concept or not if so how long has this concept been around please let know i `ve always wounderd if i would see it again nice ride

  2. Great car! I’m going to do the same thing with my Audi A1 😉

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